воскресенье, 15 мая 2016 г.

Is world the are crimes in community.Shop lifing  taking things from a shop without paying:Speeding driving over the speed limit, arson-attacking some one in order to steal their money and burglary-deliberatery stting fire  to something. There also some people fighters who fawger,Forninsic scientist, police detective, security guard.
Stone detective-is employed by a shop to catch shop shopifters.
pirson guard-works in a prison supervising prisoners.
private detective- is pair to find out informatoin about otheirs.

понедельник, 9 мая 2016 г.

A letter to the editor

Dear Sir\Madam

One of the main problems is dangerous drivers on the road.
On the road you need to put cops, camera and various police posts. Later we have decreased in numbers to meet the risk of dangerous voditeley.No there are dangerous drivers that will not stop the demand of a police officer, and it may increase road traffic incident.
I think that we should not all give out a driver's license or to prohibit the purchase of a driver's license and then I think the road would be good