воскресенье, 28 февраля 2016 г.


Hello! In a healthy body a healthy Mind theme we learned a lot of useful.we have learned that we need to sleep regularly engage in physical exercise, solve crosswords and exercise your mind.More, we have learned that you need to manage your stress and spend more time on the street and what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle.Many people have played a lot of computers in different phones and consoles. because of this they have a lot of health problems. Due to the fact that we spend a lot of vremyach gadgets we nachinayutsya sreniem problems with the back and with the nervous system.Because of our addiction to gadgets we do not get enough sleep, and even because of this, we begin to learn worse.More that we had good health we need to eat well.we have different phobias, many people are afraid of different insects, and various pautskov cockroaches. Someone is afraid of snakes, some mice. More people are afraid of heights and darkness.I can say that if we are to overcome our fears, and we will not spend a lot of gadgets prevemi then will we be strong with healthy.Many of us like to be a superhero, but if you sit a lot of gadgets and thou shalt not eat correctament you can not be a super hero, and therefore I recommend a healthy lifestyle. bye

пятница, 19 февраля 2016 г.

Read the rubric. Match the suggestions to the results.

Trus! Your own  feeling and  know  your  personal  limits You will feel more confident in your actions.

Choose  your  friends  carefully They might be able to give you helpful advice, as they
probably have experience with peer pressure too.

 Tolk in  trough with  someone  you  trus , such  as a friend ,  teacher  of parent If your friends share your beliefs, you will reduce the amount of peer pressure you may experience.